Agate Thorwallen (? PC - ? PC) was a Calnar Dwarf who was born in Kal-Thax. Early in his life he was uneasy with his life inside the confines of the dwarven city and wanted to explore the outside world. Leaving Kal-Thax he became known for his navigational skills and quickly became a chief scout and explorer to the dwarven city. During his journeys he married a fellow Calnar dwarf named Briggit Slatebrim.
During the Greygem War he marched off with the other dwarves and his wife. Following the war he led his people to the Khalkist Mountains and founded the nation of Hiel-Thax. Through his guidance the nation quickly expanded the realm and created the nation's first firewell.
One of the greatest tragedies in Thorwallen's life was the fact that neither he nor his wife could produce children. Known for their adoration of children this seemed to be a terrible curse on them. After his death the nation of Hiel-Thax was renamed Thorin in his honor.
- Dwarven Kingdoms of Krynn, 'A World in Stone' (sourcebook) p. 21-23