Anakardain (? PC - ? PC) was a Silvanesti Elf and a magic-user who was introduced by Parnigar to Kith-Kanan in 2190 PC, to serve as a mage for the Wildrunners. The young mage served Kith-Kanan in the Battle of Sithelbec, providing magic aid to the elven forces. When Kith-Kanan traveled to found the new nation of Qualinesti, Anakardain went with him and many other elves.
The mage was the one who chose the name of Qualinost for the capital of the new nation, after retelling a story about Quinara, wife of Silvanos, who was the noblest person he had ever heard of. In 1892 PC, Anakardain led a force of two thousand soldiers from Qualinost to crush a force of slavers that were terrorizing the elven nation. Later in the same year, when Kith-Kanan left for Pax Tharkas, he appointed Anakardain as the regent of Qualinost in his absence. Anakardain kept order in the elven capital until Kith-Kanan's return in the same year.
- The Kinslayer Wars (Novel), p.231-232
- The Qualinesti, p.13, 16-17, 161, 265