Arana (? - ? AC) was a Human captain in the Bündesphar Corps, and her Wülfbunde was a black wolf named Shadow. Captain Arana is a wise leader. Her leadership and wisdom paid off after the death of Takhisis. Sensing in her heart that the Dark Queen was dead, she convinced the patrol to join with Mishakal. Soon afterwards, she confronted Brek, the last member of the patrol, to try to convince him to turn away from Takhisis. He refused at first but during a fight with a Chaos Wraith he realized the truth of her words and recanted.
Post War of Souls[]
In 422 AC, Captain Arana and Shadow helped Legend and his wülfbunde Fury defeat a Bloodrager Centaur and close a portal created by Chaos.
- The Search of Power: Coin of Adament pages 265-278
- The Search of Magic: Bond pages 221-238
- Dragons of Time "Bloodrage" pages 169 – 205