Baloff Heyth (389 AC - ? AC) was male Citadel Mystic of the Citadel of Light. His hair was kept in a wild tangle and he had a beard. Before he came to the Citadel, Baloff tried to join the Order of Aesthetics. He found that their way was not going to teach him the answers he sought. Baloff decided that the Citadel held what he was looking for. It took him three attempts to get through the Hedge Maze before he arrived at the Silver Stair. After Beryllinthranox attacked the Citadel of Light, Baloff began to loose faith in his teaching, the gods, and others even though he made a brave show to those around him.
- Bertrem's Guide to the War of Souls, Volume 2, p. 48-49, 51-55, 57-58, 61, 66, 70, 75