Belize was a male human from Palanthas who lived just before the War of the Lance. He was somewhat short and stocky. He had ruddy, pockmarked skin. He shaved his head and wore a perfect triangle goatee. He owned Villa Nova in Palanthas and did most of his research there. Belize was the Master of the Red Robes until it was discovered he was Renegade Wizard.
Belize was a member of the Conclave of Wizards and paramour of Mistress of the Red Robes Yasmine of the Delving. Over years, he undermined and poisoned Yasmine. Once she was too weak to defend herself, he killed her and became the Master of the Red Robes. During that time he took other actions to disrupt the Orders of High Sorcery in order to ease his rise to power, such as mind controlling the renegade hunter Dumas so that she would try to kill Par-Salian and Ladonna while they were undercover, infiltrating a group of Renegade Wizards.
By 339 AC, Belize had been the Master of the Red Robes for many years. He had not taken an apprentice in twenty years but believed the twenty-three reference tomes of magic he wrote over that time made up for it. He was frequently distracted with research and experiments and was lax in his duties as a Master of the Orders. Justarius, the second most powerful Red Wizard, was known to fill in for him in proceedings.
When Lyim Rhistadt and Guerrand DiThon went to the Tower of Wayreth to declare alignments and find mentors, he arrived late. Par-Salian quite irritated, pushed him to take an apprentice. He chose Lyim. Belize found the entire arrangement frustrating and mostly left Lyim to his own devices with free access to his library.
Belize had been researching methods of accessing the Lost Citadel. He had recovered the spellbook of Harz-Takta the Senseless from Itzan Klertal and he deciphered it's method of opening a gate. He also secured a copy of Fistandantilus's book on interdimensional portals Observations on the Structure of Reality to develop a means of surviving the portal. To practice the methods, he created a magic mirror to test the methods. The mirror could be used to enter another plane that was white, foggy, and empty. From that plane, a person could envision any mirror they were familiar with and step out of it. The mirror could also be used for scrying. At least one piece of the mirror broke off; The shard retained the same properties as the original.
Belize determined that the gate could be opened on the Night of the Eye in autumn of 339 AC at the Stonecliff monument in Northern Ergoth. The DiThon family was selling the land to cover debts and that would interrupt his plan. He had one of the DiThon boys killed and tricked the other into traveling to Wayreth. This caused enough turmoil in the area that the feuding families stayed away from the monument. Right before the event, he found Justarius's apprentice Esme snooping around his villa, so he captured her and took her to Stonecliff with the intention of pushing her through the portal as a test.
Belize opened the portal despite interruptions from Esme, Guerrand, and his apprentice Lyim. He pushed Lyim partially through the portal to clear a path, which left Lyim with an arm transformed into a snake. Belize entered the portal but was unable to reach the gates of the Lost Citadel before Guerrand interrupted the portal and Belize was mangled and ejected. Justarius took Belize to the Conclave of Wizards where he was tried and executed for crimes against High Sorcery.
Some years later, Lyim was able to temporarily summon Belize's spirit from the Abyss to interrogate him in Lyim's search for a cure to his snake arm.