Bor Es-Drago (? - ? AC), who was also known as Mad Boris, was a Minotaur Pirate captain of the Black Skull located in the Northern Courrain Ocean. Before this, he worked in a life of drudgery and manual labor before finding the joys of becoming a Gladiator. After he won a number of regional matches, he set sail for greater challenges of the Grand Circus. While in route pirates attacked his ship, so he banded together with the crew and other gladiators with him, defeating the pirates.
Rather than continuing on to the Grand Circus, the decided they could make a better living traveling as pirates and looting ships. So, along with his crew and his ship Black Skull, they traveled to the waters of the Northern Courrain Ocean to attack ships coming out of the ports in Palanthas, Ergoth, and Kalaman. Mad Boris would then strike a deal with Dragon Emperor Ariakas by the Emperor giving Boris a charter in the name of the Dark Queen to attack those ships, but Boris would have to turn over high ranking officials and Knights of Solamnia. They earned a reputation of being merciless and being the most dangerous pirates in all of the Northern Courrain Ocean. It is unknown what became of Boris following the War of the Lance.
- War of the Lance (Sourcebook), p. 244-245