The Bugbears of Ansalon are large, muscular Goblins, standing close to seven feet tall in height. Their skin tones vary greatly and are covered in coarse hair. They have the same flat faces of goblins but have large ears and pig-like snouts. Their mouths are filled with teeth and tusks. Belying their size, they are agile, quick and silent as their smaller cousins. When at rest they appear lanky and clumsy but in combat they are devils of speed and grace.
Most bugbears thrive on aggression, their rages reaching animal-like ferocity. Many times this aggressiveness channels itself in possessive ways, making the bugbear greedy for more than what life offers. Bugbears will also stand up to anyone. They are eager to get into fights, although unlike other warlike races, they don't rush into conflict. They see combat in such a way as to never give their enemies a chance to react.
Bugbears live in tightly knit bands of aggressive semi-nomadic groups of warriors and hunters, and are led by a leader called a murza. If there are two powerful leaders, they will fight to decide who will lead the group or if it is a draw, they will split the group and go their separate ways. These bugbears provide for their families by pillaging and looting. Bugbears will usually defer to a hobgoblin murza if the hobgoblin is stronger or is more popular.
If a person where to come upon a bugbear settlement, they would find a complex set of caves with numerous entry points and cliff-side balconies. Though priests are returning to bugbear societies, with the priests of Usk-Do/ Orkrust (Chemosh) recently increasing their efforts in conversion, they are still outnumbered by mystical tribal shamans. They speak the same languages as hobgoblins.
- Races of Ansalon, p. 125-128
- Hederick the Theocrat, p. 172
- Rebels and Tyrants, p. 162
- Tales of Uncle Trapspringer, p. 245, 250
- Wanderlust, p. 182
- Wizard's Conclave, p. 152