Dragonlance Wiki

Caradoc (? - Frostkolt, 1 PC) was a former Knight of Solamnia that died during the Cataclysm in a fire at Dargaard Keep, becoming an undead GHOST who could only leave Dargaard if he possessed a living being. He was the first to join up under Loren Soth and was Lord Soth's most loyal and trusted of all his knights. He also served as his steward.

He first served as a Knight of the Crown until Fierswelt, 4 PC, when he was promoted to the rank of Knight of the Sword.

He was a warrior who rode with Lord Soth to assist in stopping the Kingpriest of Istar from causing the Cataclysm. When in route, he watched as Lord Soth fell victim to Takhisis's Silvanesti Elf minions as they talked poison into his lord's ear. Lord Soth returned to Dargaard Keep in a rage and with his return, the Cataclysm struck Krynn. Caradoc, Wersten Kern, and Colm Farold, that had followed Lord Soth, were killed in the fire of the Cataclysm. Caradoc accually voluntarily walked into the fire at Dargaard Keep, killing himself.

As a skeletal warrior, he followed the death knight Lord Soth on the attack on Palanthas during the Blue Lady's War.

