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The Council of Thanes is the governing body of the Dwarven nation of Thorbardin. All seven dwarven clans of Thorbardin have a seat on the council; Aghar, Daergar, Daewar, Hylar, Klar, Neidar, and Theiwar.

The council meets in one of the highest levels of the Life Tree of the Hylar in the Court of Thanes. Here the seven members, along with the High King, decide the important issues of the realm.

Also included in this council is the Kingdom of the Dead, which is honored with a seat. A ninth seat has been allotted for the High King, which was empty during the period between the Dwarfgate Wars and the War of the Lance.


  • Dragons of the Dwarven Depths (PB) p. 302, 320, 357, 379-384, 394-409, 499-504