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Dalevil is a village located on the edge of the Raging Ice of Southern Ergoth near the coast of the Straits of Algoni.


Prior to the Cataclysm Dalevil was part of the Empire of Ergoth located in the Plains Hundred region, north of the Slovin Hills and east of Fairkeep.

Age of Despair[]

Dalevil survived the cataclysm but the landscape around it changed leaving the village by the coast of the newly formed Straits of Algoni. During the Age of Despair Dalevil became one of the primary sources of grains and livestock for Fairkeep and Zhea Harbor, whose populations had swelled with refugees fleeing Daltigoth. It was ruled by a series of lords who oversaw production from their castle in the village and worked the villagers to the bone, only allowing them to keep enough food to survive.

During the War of the Lance the current lord was deposed and replaced with an ogre slavemaster under the command of Hammerfall, son of Stormogre. The lives of the villagers changed little under the ogres who continued to oppress them.

Age of Mortals[]

Dalevil was greatly altered during the Age of Mortals when the Dragon Overlord Gellidus arrived and changed much of Southern Ergoth into an icy wasteland. Dalevil’s farm output nearly vanished and the village was subsequently invaded by thanoi and white dragonspawn. Under the command of the dragonspawn Kromik, many of Dalevil’s people were used as stock to create more dragonspawn.

