A death knight was a mighty undead warrior created by gods of death or other malevolent forces. They were most commonly created from evil humanoids who in life had been blackguards, fighters, rangers, barbarians, and even paladins fallen from grace.
A death knight appeared similar to how it appeared in life, but it had a decayed body with rotting flesh and pinpoints of light in place of eyes. A death knight often wore fine clothing and armor, especially capes, as a mark of importance. A death knight struck fear into the hearts of weaker creatures.
A death knight often rode a nightmare into battle and had a variety of undead servants, such as skeletons, wights, and zombies. More powerful death knights had more servants.
List of Death Knights[]
- Ausric Krell
- Loren Soth
- Tangon
- Venris Stormshield
- Dragonlance Campaign Setting p. 212