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There are many Elvish languages including Silvanesti, Qualinesti, Kagonesti, Dargonesti, Dimernesti, Hest, Silvanaes, Lucanesti, and Cha'asii. This is a compiled list of these words and their known meaning.

Sacayasse is one of the ancient elven languages. It was in use when elves first began to communicate. During the early centuries of the Age of Dreams elves spoke Nestari, but it was dead by the Age of Might.

Elvish Words[]

  • Abuerenalanthaylagaranlindal - 'Rose of Summer's Passing'
  • Acsemthani - 'Half-bows'
  • Akatabey - 'The murders of fish' (Sea Elf)
  • Alinsa quar - A sense an elf gets when they felt that their life was fated to be at a place.
  • Argent - 'Silver' in Silvanesti; 'Night's son' in Kagonesti.
  • Armach u-Quoob - 'Dry Land in the Sea' (Sea Elf)
  • Astanti - May mean 'halt.'
  • Avrethe - 'All is well!' Guards will use this phrase when marking the passing of time.
  • Balifaris - 'Young Balif'
  • Beekatawahb - 'Fringe elves' (Sea Elf)
  • Bueren Rose - 'Summer Rose'
  • Camaxilas - 'Sword-Lord'
  • Caslth - 'Slut'
  • Cha - Unknown. Likely an exclamation.
  • Colinesti - 'People of the morning'
  • Dosemsianac - 'Double blade'
  • Dir-Plaanar - 'Island of Justice'
  • Dir-Tsalarian - 'Island of the Dead'
  • Dracosali - 'Dragon'
  • Eld - 'Aunt'
  • Esh - Unknown, It is used as a greeting to the sun made each morning.
  • Esh! Esh! - Ancient greeting elves make to the sun in the morning.
  • Foobwahb - 'Crazy elves' (Sea Elf)
  • Girthas Laka Morokiti - 'Dialogue of the Courtesans'
  • Ha! Ulsian! - Out or maybe attack.
  • Hawahk toh-Narqua - 'Tomb of Ships' (Sea Elf)
  • Hothsemthani - 'Sideways bow'
  • Houmrya - Ancient elven poem.
  • Inath-Wakenti - 'Vale of Silence'
  • It - 'I'm'
  • Ithal-enatha - 'River of Tears'
  • Ithal-inen- 'River of Hope'
  • Iyajaida - 'Moth-wing'
  • Kaltatha - 'The Graying'
  • Kaoth - 'Fate'
  • Kerianseray - 'Wing-swift'
  • Kethyar - 'Pride'
  • Khab-Takaluras - 'Fortress Takaluras' (Sea Elf)
  • Khegar - 'Death Hall' (Sea Elf)
  • Kin - Brother
  • Kinsheesus Talikanathor - 'The Way to Bind the Sun'
  • Kirath'algos - 'Vanguard of Hope'
  • Kith'pah - 'Life-spirit'
  • Kith'para - 'God-tokens'
  • Ki-Takaluras - 'Victory of Takalurion' (Sea Elf)
  • Klookah - Refers to the Dargonesti ability to shapechange.
  • Ko'aq ketay - 'Do your best'
  • KreeaQUEKH - 'Air-breathers' (Sea Elf)
  • Lanthelette - 'Hummingbird'
  • Li'lagalharegiannethrathol - 'The Library of the Silvanesti Upon Which House Cleric Is Attendant'
  • Linwahb - 'Nine elves' (Sea Elf)
  • Machunestoo - 'Lands of the fish-people' (Sea Elf)
  • Mahkwahb - 'Elves of the Abyss' (Sea Elf)
  • Malo takhis - 'Enter darkness'
  • Melethkanara - 'The Heart's Shadow'
  • Mo - 'No'
  • Morgoth - 'Beware'
  • Moyun - May mean 'follow'
  • Muralasa - 'Princess of the Night'
  • Nalis Aren - 'Lake of Death'
  • Natcar - 'To behead' A verb.
  • Nathi - 'Rooster'
  • Orexas - "director" or "manager", in Qualinesti it means one who leads, while in Silvanesti it means one who leads orchestras or chorales
  • Pax Tharkas - 'Citadel of Peace'
  • Pelmany - 'Stair'
  • Quanisho - 'Awakening Promenade' This is a dance performed by elven maidens and said to drive elven men mad with passion.
  • QueaKI' ICHKeecx - Unknown (Sea Elf) It was mentioned in reference to Raistlin Majere betraying Caramon Majere.
  • Quen talas uvenelei - 'Follow me'
  • Qui-thonas - 'The path away'
  • Quisalan elevas - 'Our loves-bond eternal'
  • Quisalas - 'Beloved'
  • Quisif nan-Pah - Unknown. Likely a type of greeting to a loved one.
  • Quith-pa - 'Iron rations'. It is usually a dried fruit or bread.
  • Quithain - "Congratulations"
  • Quoowahb - 'Dargonesti'
  • Quoowahb kadai - 'The Dargonesti are with you' (Sea Elf)
  • Quoonoqua - 'Sea Land' (Sea Elf)
  • Quoo - 'Sea' (Sea Elf)
  • Rabthe - 'Stillness'
  • S enaril t' Deban - 'Deban's gifts'
  • Sagasto - 'Fire' (as in fire an arrow)
  • Sanjaasurengiin - 'Wind-walker' (Kagonesti)
  • Semsianac - 'Single blade'
  • Senaril t' Deban - 'Deban's gifts'
  • Sestari - 'Envy'
  • Shaffendi - 'Pompous twit' Untranslatable
  • Shak - 'Stop'
  • Shalafi - 'Master' or 'Teacher', but to elves its true meaning reaches far deeper than that. Sometimes humans mispronounce the word by calling it 'Shalifi'
  • Shalindi - Unknown
  • Shalori - 'Beloved'
  • Shuurtob - A two-stringed lute.
  • Silvanoshei - 'The Hope of Silvanos'
  • Sinthal-Elish - 'Council of the High'
  • Sithicus - 'Land of specters'
  • Sivvanesu - 'Silvanesti'(archaic pronunciation)
  • Sla-Mori - 'Secret way' or 'Secret passage'
  • Subatga - A spring that feeds a muddy pond. (Kagonesti)
  • Suduza - A spring with undrinkable water. (Kagonesti)
  • Suwara - A spring that feeds a cold stream. (Kagonesti)
  • Tai-thall - A backpack used to hold a baby.
  • Tanthalas - 'Ever strong' or 'Deserving to rule'
  • Tath-maniya - Ritual to tame Griffons.
  • Teebawkh - 'The tuna lads' (Sea Elf)
  • Teth-Balif - 'Balif's Gate'
  • Thalas - 'King' or 'lord' (noun form); 'to rule' (verb form)
  • Thon - 'River' and 'Road'
  • Thon-Sorpon or Thon-Sargon - 'Silver Road'
  • Thon-Thalas - 'Lord's River'
  • Thon-Tsalarian - 'River of the Dead'
  • Thon-Tsalaroth - 'River of Death'
  • Tokwahb - 'Inferior elf' (Sea Elf). The word the Dargonesti use for the Dimernesti.
  • Tolethra - 'Ambition'
  • Tsaris ni'vask - 'The gathering twilight.' Refers when a person senses the ending coming.
  • Tympanum - 'Drum'
  • Ulathi - 'Gazers'
  • Vaelithia Ooras - 'The Living Fossil'
  • Valth - 'Whore'
  • Valthonis - 'The Exile'
  • Valoshin - 'Peahen'
  • Valsolonost - 'The Place of the Perfect Sun'
  • Varin - 'Free'
  • Vedvedsica - `Wise, Wise Fellow'
  • Wahb - 'Elves' or 'Pertaining to the elves' (Sea Elf)
  • Wayreth - 'First Home'
  • Wibmachgloonestu - 'North land of the fish-people' (Sea Elf)
  • Wobmachgloonestu - 'South land of the fish-people' (Sea Elf)
  • Yathen-ilara - 'Pathway to Illumination'

A few phrases in Elvish[]

  • Des qath e shanfala du qu'esari - meaning is unknown, but said in the Kagonesti dialect.
  • Domma yzindah ene koynek - 'Hiding behind your grandmother's skirt' (Kagonesti Dialect)
  • Fealan thalos, Im murquanethi. Sai Kith-Kananoth Murtari Larion. - meaning is unknown, but it is some kind of tribute.
  • Glthgbhe bhee thghdedd bllah - meaning is unknown
  • Ikuno gangarog te apun do - meaning 'Hear my voice and answer'
  • Kananath Kithri Nesti N'Loth Sithelan Sannu - Kith-Kanan, son of Sithel, built this.
  • Kithpah goray – 'Spirits protect us/me' (Kagonesti Dialect)
  • L'phae tanthalas lu'ro - meaning is unknown
  • Moitak larshat ku xalathom - 'Hear me, you who are dead.'
  • Quenta solari nen heth y mori - 'May the stars shine upon your thy road'.
  • Rothye biscara rolofassos pelmany – 'Stair of Distant Vision'
  • Shon l'phae loch fellawathwen Tanthalas lu'ro - meaning is unknown
  • Soliasi Arath - meaning is unknown, but it is a type of challenge.
  • Sothi Nuinqua Tsalarioth - 'Faithful beyond Death'

