Dragonlance Wiki

Estheria (253 AC - ? AC) is a typical Sea Elf with blue skin, purple eyes and long seaweed green hair. Her height is what makes her unusual because she is 5'9" and 94 pounds, she towers above many of her elven kin.

Estheria is an oddity indeed. While the vast majority of her fellow elves remain aloof and maintain a suitable distance to the "lesser" races, Estheria believes that her kind needs to interact more with the world and she holds no illusions regarding her race's role in the world

Years of traveling on or near the surface world has brought Estheria into contact with other races and it is this contact which has made the sea elf much more open-minded and outgoing than others of her kind. The many crises which have threatened both the surface world and the world beneath the waves have shown her with a frightening clarity that elves have done very little to help the world, instead withdrawing and leaving the so-called lesser races to fend for themselves which they have done with time and time again.

War of the Lance[]

The War of the Lance was the starting point for Estheria as a warrior. She and her fellow Dargonesti warriors escorted the many ships filled with elves fleeing Silvanesti and the advancing Dragonarmies and guided them to safety. Her travels brought her to Qualinesti, Solamnia, and beyond. Estheria was intrigued by the adventuring life and she spent much of her time traveling throughout Ansalon and the surrounding islands. It was during these adventures that Estheria saw firsthand the openness of other races and their willingness to sacrifice for the freedom of others.


For a female sea elf, 5'9" is almost average, while about seven feet would be tall for a female sea elf (Dragonlance Campaign Setting).


  • Unsung Heroes, p. 12
  • 1992 Trading Cards Premier Set, Card #181