Dragonlance Wiki

Within the Dragonarmy hierarchy, the role of Fewmaster is a special role, outside of the normal chain of command. Whilst the Highlords are the grand generals of the armies, the Highmasters are their lieutenants, the various Dragonarmy officers and the rank and file fall beneath this structure, and the Fewmasters are off to the side.

The Fewmasters operate on a provincial level only, and are normally in charge of a single company of soldiers. The Fewmasters answer directly to their own Dragon Highlord, and generally are assigned to do the dirty work for their master. Outside of their assigned roles, the Fewmasters had little influence or authority within the Dragonarmies, other than having easy access to the ear of their Highlord. The Fewmasters were only assigned to locations where there was some strategic value during the war.

