The First Edicts are a series of four laws that were drawn up by the Silvanaes Elves when they first established the realm of Armach, prior to founding the Confederacy of Armach. The laws were created to ensure the purity of the Silvanaes Elves, and also the protection of the elves against the non-elves around them.
- The land of the Armach-nesti is the sole possession of the People of Silvanos, their's to use and dwell alone. Unto this land may the Sons and Daughters of Silvanos come alone and no other. Death is the punishment for all who trespass upon these lands.
- No heerikil shall know a daughter of Silvanos, nor shall a man of our people have relations with a heerikil. If it be shown a Child of Silvanos entered into this pact foreknowing, the punishment is exile from Armach-nesti. For a heerikil who breaks this law through deceit or violence, the punishment is death.
- No heerikil shall bring suit against a Child of Silvanos for ruination of property should that accused hold a letter of warrant for the deed from the Prince of the People.
- No heerikil shall be allowed as master of a greatwater vessel, nor shall any heerikil claim title to captaincy of a command that may be of more than his own kind.
Penalty for not obeying these laws is death, and they are deeply ingrained into the society of the Silvanaes Elves. Many amongst the elves felt that the penalty was too harsh and the laws were too outdated, however they were still maintained. With the recent events in 424 AC and the sundering of the nation by the Faceless Brethren and Shadow Kender, it is suspected that the Silvanaes Elves can now again appreciate why they should remain separate from other nations and races.
- Blades of the Tiger, p.49
- Time of the Dragon, p.63