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Garnet Forgesmoke (? PC - ? PC) was a Hylar explorer who was sent to explore the northern Kharolis Mountains in search of a new colony for Thorbardin. The Dwarves had been granted these lands from Solamnia for their intervention in the Third Dragon War. Forgesmoke's party discovered a garnet bed in a stream flowing out of the mountain and declared that the colony would be built here. This colony would eventually become known as Garnet Thax.

Forgesmoke was determined that the colony would be populated by Hylar dwarves and after it was established he would bring in other clans. Forgesmoke convinced the Hylar Thane to go along with his plan and the thane convinced the other clans that the Hylar were running out of room and would need to move into the other cities of Thorbardin. Forgesmoke would become the first Governor of the new colony of Kayolin.


  • Dwarven Kingdoms of Krynn 'Songs of the Loremaster' (Sourcebook) p.60-61