Dragonlance Wiki

Gharmu (? AC – 424 AC) was a male Goblin and one of the Wretched Ones of the Ilquar Mountains. He was a physically large goblin that had a withered arm and became the ruler of the Wretched Ones, following the death of the King of the Mountain in 424 AC at the hands of Chovuk Boyla. Gharmu pledged the allegiance of his people to Chovuk's war against the Kazar at this time, fearing the mighty war leader. Gharmu often wore a headdress that was the carapace of a cave scorpion, and carried a staff with dried ears attached to it.

Shortly after allying with Chovuk, Gharmu led his goblin tribes to meet the Uigan horde and assist them in the destruction of the Kazar. Gharmu led his goblins against the Kazar people, bringing about a massacre and dumping the barely living leader Duskblade, before Chovuk. The Boyla of the Uigan executed Duskblade, and allowed Gharmu and his friends to do with the body however they chose.

During the Battle of the Run, Gharmu led the Wretched Ones in the opening fighting against the Sixth Imperial Legion. However the tactics of Barreth Forlo proved too much for the goblins, wiping out all the Wretched Ones, including their mighty shaman Gharmu.

