Giusecchio (? PC - 139 PC), also called Giusecchio the Fat, was the first and only non-cleric that became the Kingpriest of Istar in 150 PC. During his reign, he was very popular with the public, and increased the trade power of the Empire. He also banned slavery in 140 PC. For his popularity with the public and banning of slavery, he made a lot of enemies in the church. Eventually this led to his assassination through the machinations of slave-lords that were put out of business, and almost led to another Interregnum.
Luckily though, Quenndorus stepped in to prevent the violence from happening. Giusecchio's death is portrayed in the play The Death of Giusecchio. A superstition about ships entering the harbor of Istar with gray sails was born from this assassination. It was looked upon as a bad omen since one entered the harbor the same day Giusecchio was assassinated.
- Legends of the Twins, p. 50-51
- Chosen of the Gods, p. 40, 156
- Sacred Fire, p. 25, 97-98