Dragonlance Wiki

Heart (2002 PC - 1018 PC) was a silver dragon that was born of Callak and Daria. Her brother was Lectral Hornbearer and sisters Silvara and Saytica. She had a relationship for a time with Lectral, but during the Third Dragon War she found the love of her life in Huma Dragonbane. Years later, their son Liam of Eldor would come back to Krynn to fight a chaos dragon.

As a dragon she grew to be of a good size and a very quick flier.

Pre-Third Dragon War[]

In the time before the War, Heart spent her time in the woodlands with Lectral. There they would run in Kagonesti elf form, chasing each other and having a very carefree life. She wouldn't stay with a tribe for very long before leaving them.

Heart and Lectral were attacked once while running in the woods, by a band of ogres, who they quickly killed. Heart then decided to go off and see what was happening in the world, and found that the humans had gone to war with each other.

Third Dragon War[]

During the war, Heart took the form of Gwyneth, a half-elf with long silver hair, full red lips, a pert nose, eyes the color of sunlight and almond-shaped. She assisted healers in the camps of the Knights of Solamnia, helping to heal the Knights who came back from battling the forces of Takhisis. This was where she would meet the love of her life.

After a practically devastating battle between the forces of Good and Evil that resulted in another stalemate, a young Knight of the Crown by the name of Huma Dragonbane was brought to the healer's tents to recover from the battle. When Heart came to attend Huma, he awoke and both instantly fell in love with each other.

The Dragonlance[]

When Huma went to the Silver Dragon Mountain, Heart met him there to show him the weapon that would save the Knights from being destroyed. This weapon happened to be the Dragonlance, a weapon that could be mounted to the back of a dragon to attack and kill the chromatic dragons.

Heart doesn't reveal herself as being the dragon at the time, but tells Huma that she was going to leave and that a friend would help him get the Dragonlances down from the mountains. This happened to be Heart in her silver dragon form. Heart wasn't ready to reveal to him yet who she was.

Heart then allowed Huma to ride on her back as her rider as they escorted the Dragonlances back to the Knighthood. While enroute, Guy Avondale stops them, and Heart goes to get some more dragons to assist them into getting into Vingaard Keep. Together they were able to get the Dragonlances into the Keep, and formed a band of twenty dragon riders to do battle.

In their first battle, Heart and Huma killed many enemy dragons, but Huma was seriously injured. Heart flew him back as quickly as possible in order to get him attended to. She transformed into her elven form and yelled for assistance, much to the shock of all present. When Huma finally came to, Heart showed Huma that Gwyneth was just a form that she could assume. Much to Heart's sadness, Huma rejected her at first.

Final Battle[]

In the final battle, Heart and Huma were the only ones able to attack the evil goddess Takhisis. Together they charged in and pierced the blue head on her mammoth body, but this cost her. Heart was struck a violent blow that sent both her and Huma tumbling. She was able to make a landing that would save Huma, but she would pay dearly for it. Heart would die from her injuries sustained in her battle with Takhisis, but she did get to hear Huma admit that he loved her before she died.

Other Names[]

While in her elven form, she was known as Gwyneth. Her dragon name was El'liolle.

Kender Tales[]

It has been noted that Heart breathed fire on Crynus to destroy him, but silver dragons can not breath fire. Most likely this was cold instead.

