Dragonlance Wiki

The position of High Justice or Lord High Justice is second only to the Grand Master of the Knights of Solamnia, and serves as the head of the Knights of the Rose. This position is gained through the nomination in the Order of the Rose. According to the Measure, they may only select one member to serve as the High Justice, and only in extreme cases can someone from another order serve in the position, such as Sir Alfred did prior to the War of the Lance. At full strength, this position would have command of six quadrons, which would be 48,000 men. The High Justice also has the knowledge how to stay in contact with the silver dragons that were living on Sancrist Isle, via a small silver bell that needs to be rang and that no human can hear ring.

The High Justice will wear judicial robes of black over his knightly armor, and should always be present at a Knight's funeral. The High Justice is based at the Hall of High Justice in the Old City of Palanthas.

War of the Lance[]

At the beginning of the War of the Lance, there was two men who claimed the position of High Justice, but neither would acknowledge the rights of the other Knight.

Past High Justices[]

Current High Justice[]

Kender Tales[]

Oswal of Baxtrey was said to be High Warrior, but since he was a Rose Knight he must have been a High Justice.


  • The Annotated Dragonlance Chronicles, Winter Night (Novel), p. 758
  • Dragons of Winter Night (Novel), p. 391
  • Dragons of the Highlord Skies (PB) p. 38
  • Heroes of Steel (Sourcebook), p. 27
  • Knightly Orders of Ansalon (Sourcebook), p. 41, 44-46
  • The Legend of Huma (Novel), p. 10
  • Lord Soth (Novel), p. 20, 211
  • Lost Leaves From the Inn of the Last Home (Sourcebook), p. 39
  • The Oath and the Measure (Novel), p. 2
  • Return of the Exile (Novel), p. 291, 298
  • The Rose and the Skull (Novel), p. 45, 52, 277, 280