Hojan (? - 2395 PC ) was an Ergothian officer in the Army of the North, who had served under both Lord Tolandruth and Lord Regobart in his time. He attended the coronation of Ackal IV in 2401 PC, and was a strong supporter of Lord Tolandruth. In the celebrations that followed, along with his comrade Illando, he declared that instinct was the most important value for any commander and sought the wisdom of Lord Tolandruth to back them up.
In 2395 PC, Hojan served as one of the warlords under General Lord Relfas, in the early battles against the bakali hordes around the Solvin River. Whilst Lord Hojan advised that the Imperial Hordes act cautiously, General Lord Relfas instead insisted that the hordes ride down the enemy. As Relfas led the bulk of the army into battle, Lord Hojan ordered his own men, the Golden Helm Horde to stay in reserve. Whilst Relfas' army was overcome by the superior bakali numbers, Hojan rallied the survivors to his army and led a retreat from the field, saving a portion of the army. Relfas and a handful of his fellow warlords fled back to Daltigoth, whilst Hojan led the remnant army back to Juramona to prepare for another assault. Initially the bakali forces attacked Caergoth instead of Juramona, however then they turned towards Juramona and Lord Hojan again raised his forces to face the bakali. With vastly superior numbers, the bakali overwhelmed Hojan's army, killing the general and the majority of his soldiers.
- The Wizard's Fate, p.231, 243-245
- A Hero's Justice, p.2-9, 41