Dragonlance Wiki
Knight of the Lily

Knight of the Lily by Sticko

The Order of the Lily is the backbone of the Knights of Takhisis, and the order in which every applicant for the knighthood must first enter. The Lily Knights are most likened to their Solamnic counterparts in the Order of the Crown, and are the order in which most training occurs for the younger members of the knighthood.

The Knights of the Lily are taught that strength is achieved through conformity and uniformity. To be an individualist or to be a freethinker is to submit to chaos, and ultimately leads down the path of evil turning on itself. The Lily Knights are the military might of the knighthood that live by the code of "Independence breeds chaos, submit and be strong."


Lily Rank Structure[]

Knights of the Lily[]


  • Dragons of Summer Flame, p. 3, 8, 15, 56-57, 63-64, 107, 124, 238, 278, 288-291, 298, 316, 341, 347-348, 419, 443, 445, 520
  • The Second Generation, 'Kitiara's Son', p. 27-30, 33, 38-39, 45, 56, 59, 63, 80, 83
  • Dragonlance Campaign Setting
  • Heroes of Steel