Dragonlance Wiki

Krackellix (? - ? AC), Krackel for short, was a female blue dragon that was known to have been one who would play cruel jokes on her enemies, and would prank her companions that would end up being somewhat dangerous for them. In battle though she was known to show a great ferocity along with her companion Sir Jerod Argentbane. Kerrilastian became a sort mentor to the female though.

Age of Mortals[]

Following the Chaos War and the death of Sir Jerod, Krackllix continued to ally with Blood Oath archers. For a brief time during the War of Souls she even allied with Captain Samuval. After the war though, it is assumed that she is still allying with Blood Oath archers.


  • Chaos Spawn, p. 13
  • Knightly Orders of Ansalon, p. 99