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Home of the Forge's Favored Dwarves and Kender.

Neidarbard was a Neidar village located on the northernmost part of the Kharolis Mountains, and was often considered the capital of the Neidar clan by its inhabitants. It was also called the Kingdom of the Neidar and its chieftain held the title of King of the Hill Dwarves. One such self-proclaimed king was Falric Stinger. The village was located next to a deep lake that provided much of the food for the village, and near the village were a series of caves that held giant bees in which the dwarves used them to gather honey.

Most of the buildings are only one story tall with a rare two story building located throughout the city, with all of them are made of stone or wood. There is no discernable pattern to the streets, the buildings are all brightly and cheerfully colored with long streaming pennants. In the center of the city though, was a statue of a warrior-dwarf where ale bubbles out.

The people that live there are Dwarves and Kender who call themselves Neidarbardians. Neidarbard, although founded by dwarves from Thorbardin, had its own system of self-government, independent of the Thorbardin Thanes.


  • Dwarven Kingdoms of Krynn 'A World in Stone' (sourcebook), pg. 54-55
  • World Map of Krynn
  • Heroes and Fools, 'Reorx Steps Out', p. 270-271, 275