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The Nomads of Khur are the desert dwelling members of the various tribes that inhabit the nation of Khur. The tribal folk of Khur are sometimes known as Khurish, and incorrectly just referred to as Khurs, which is incorrect as the Khurish are comprised of seven different and distinct tribes.

The people of Khur originally hailed from the nation of Dravinaar, where they dwelt in different tribes prior to the Cataclysm. However with the sundering of their nation, the tribesfolk fled and under the leadership of the great chief Keja, formed the new nation of Khur. Chieftain Keja declared himself the Khan of Khur and ruled the unified tribes with a strong hand until his death. On his death, his seven sons each formed one tribe and the unification was brought to an end once more. In later years, the tribal battles ceased and the people of Khur were once more unified under a single Khan, first during the War of the Lance, and then in the years directly after. All of the tribes have nomadic members who roam throughout the desert, and civilized members that dwell in the cities.

The Khurish people speak their own Khurish Language, and the majority of them have olive-skin, black hair, and hawkish features. With intermarriage over the years, there are some Khurish folk with lighter or darker skin tones from time to time as well.

Most Khurish are highly superstitious and believe strongly in fate (maita), believing that there are signs to be read in everything around them. The Nomads of Khur have a strict legal system, in which most crimes are punishable by death. They tolerate outsiders in their cities, but are keen to keep outsiders out of the desert and any lands sacred to the tribes.

