Dragonlance Wiki

Pavasusu (? - ? PC) was a female Wemitowuk. She had black hair. When she was young she stole an ear of blue corn from the Wemitowuk Burial Ground to make a necklace. The night she stole it, she received a vision from the Gods that she was to plant the corn in her tent and raise it for a year. After a year, she was to take an ear and replant it in the burial ground or something bad would happen to her village. Pavasusu planted the corn but a month later in a drunken fit torn it down. A plague then affected the village's harvest.

Pavasusu as punishment was made into a julu zombie and condemned to the Garden of the Dead. As a zombie her hair was filthy, she had burning eyes, and her skin was covered with corn kernels.


  • DLE2: Dragon Magic, p. 48