During the War of Lance, Pounce Quickspring (? - 383 AC) was given control of the Theiwar as Thane of the Theiwar. He guided his people for many years peacefully. Prior to the Chaos War Pounce sided with Darkend Bellowsmoke and took part in the assault of Hybardin. During the Chaos War Pounce Quickspring died when the army of Chaos attacks Thorbardin and a Fire Dragon incinerated him.
Pounce was known to have had huge eyes that had a milky look to them and a bristling head of straw-colored hair. He was also known to have used dark magic.
In one story, it was noted that Pounce lived through the Chaos War, and was still ruling the Theiwar. This of course was not possible since he was incinerated.
- A World in Stone pg. 43
- The Last Thane pg. 88-90, 272-273
- Dragon Magazine #232, "The Gift of Fire"