Pseudodragons are miniature dragons that are about the size of a house cat, and are covered in reddish-brown scales. They are adorned with sharp horns and teeth, and are known to have a vicious bite. The body of a pseudodragon is only a foot long, however their tails are two-feet long and end in a nasty stinger that can inject sleeping poison into a foe. The small dragons are able to communicate telepathically, but speak in their own language of growls, chirps and purrs.
Pseudodragons reside in small family units, with their young being referred to as a clutch, which normally comprises of three to five pseudodragons. They sometimes form relationships with humans and elves, but only with those of a goodly nature, and even then the humanoid needs to pamper and pay close attention to them, or they will end up wandering off in a huff.
Scholars surmise that these tiny dragons are somehow related to red dragons, whilst others have guessed that they are a distant relation to wyverns, due to their stingers. In truth, none know how this miniature species of dragon came about.
- Dragons of Krynn (Sourcebook), p.142, 144
- DLA1: Dragon Dawn (Adventure), p.24