Quevalin XI (? - 1900 PC) assumed the mantle of Ergoth Emperor in 1905 PC, after several decades of not having a Quevalin on the throne. The new emperor was also a White-Robed magic user, and he used his power to revamp the Tower of High Sorcery in Daltigoth, as well as to expand the Imperial University in Gwynned.
The downfall of Quevalin XI was that he attempted to alter the line of succession, so that only a blood-relative of the Quevalin line that was also a member of the Conclave of High Sorcery could ascend to the throne. The magic fearing Ergothians were outraged at this, angered by the notion that Wizards would always rule them. In 1900 PC, the commander of the Imperial Guard, General Macqui Hellman, led a coup against Quevalin XI and deposed him.
For his foolishness, the emperor would later become known as Quevalin XI, the Dotard.
- Heroes of Defiance, Book 1, p.62