Red Dragons find their homes in mountainous country of Krynn. They are even more notorious than green dragons when it comes to hoarding valuables... they attack their foes with their magic first, saving their fiery breath as a last resort, to preserve their victims' treasure. Red dragons possess the ability to shapeshift, and make a difficult foe, since they are the largest of the chromatic dragons. Their Dragon Breath of flame can melt solid rock like butter.
Ember, or Pyros, was Highlord Verminaard's dragon, sent on a mission by Takhisis to find Berem Everman, and earns the distinction of 'most important red dragon.'
Notable red dragons[]
- Dragonlance Campaign Setting (Sourcebook), p. 236-237
- Dragons of Krynn (Sourcebook), p. 30
- Dragons of the Dwarven Depths (PB) p. 59
- Dragons of Time, "The Vow", p. 213