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Regobart (? - ? PC) was an Ergothian lord who served under Pakin III, and ruled over the province of Caergoth. Lord Regobart hunted down the Pakin hordes in the Eastern Hundred in 2421 PC, and was known as one of the most accomplished generals of the Ergothian empire in his time.

In 2412 PC, the forces of Lord Regobart were used to safeguard the eastern border of Ergoth, whilst the war raged between Ergoth and Tarsis. By 2411 PC, Regent Amaltar sent Lord Regobart and a number of the imperial hordes to those of Lord Tolandruth, Regobart was given command of the eastern armies and Tol was under orders from the emperor to cede ultimate command to the elder warrior, and Tol became the general of the northern armies.

From 2411 to 2401 PC, Lord Regobart led his forces and those of Lord Tolandruth in numerous campaigns against the forces of Tarsis. Finally by 2401 PC, Regobart's forces had broken every Tarsan army and driven the remainder back to the gates of Tarsis itself. Regobart and Tolandruth met with the leaders of Tarsis to discuss the terms of surrender. After negotiations were ended, both Regobart and Tolandruth saw the wisdom in allowing the people of Tarsis some dignity in defeat, and agreed to the fair terms, ensuring peace could begin between Ergoth and Tarsis.

Lord Regobart continued to hold his post in Tarsis through till at least 2395 PC for the empire, as Emperor Ackal V constantly feared that the Tarsans would break the treaty and invade Ergoth.


  • A Warrior's Journey, p.75, 267-268, 373-375
  • The Wizard's Fate, p.1-11, 14-20