Dragonlance Wiki

Rurik Rustbucket (300 AC - 400 AC) was a Dwarf who had long read hair, and a bushy red beard.

In 400 AC, he was forced into a partnership with Nador Ironfist when both of them attempted to take the same map from a market. It ripped in half, forcing them both to work together to find the treasure on the map. They hired another dwarf to come along with them to do the manual work, and head off into the Khalkist Mountains. The entire time, Rurik and Nador argued about who was better at what, and who's map was better than who's.

While they argued, their hired help continued to dig until he found the Silver Dragon Statue. Again, while Rurik and Nador fought about what to do with it, the hired dwarf turned into a Silver Dragon and took the statue. Before the dragon left though, it buried Rurik and Nador alive in a cave with no exit to leave the cave. This did not bother the two dwarves who continued to bicker and fight in there.


  • DLA2: Dragon Knight, p.36