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Seldjuk was a human nation located east of Midrath. It was a coastal nation located in eastern Ansalon, along the Courrain Ocean. The northern and western part of the land was mountainous mixed with forest lands, and Seldjuk's coastline has very hilly shores. The mountain range's name that ran through Seldjuk, is unknown.

Age of Might[]

In the years 311-281 PC, Seldjuk fought border skirmishes with Istar. This led to the overthrow of the warlord Emperor Vemior of Istar and the first Kingpriest Symeon I came to power. Symeon I negotiated peace with Seldjuk and agreed to pay regular tribute to the Holy Empire of Istar from then on.

During the Annexation War of 196-190 PC, Seldjuk was invaded by the Holy Empire of Istar and surrendered to Kingpriest Ardosean II in 195 PC. Seldjuk became a province of the Holy Empire of Istar from then until the Cataclysm.


Following the Cataclysm Seldjuk was no more. Parts of Seldjuk became the Misty Isle, and the rest sank into the Eastern Courrain Ocean.


  • Lattakay - Capital


  • Towers of High Sorcery (Sourcebook), p.
  • Kingpriest Trilogy, p.
  • The Atlas of the Dragonlance World, p.