In the Dwarven histories, it is claimed that their ancestors were called the Smiths. In other histories, it is said that the Smiths were originally Gnomes. Either way, this race was known as the children of Reorx, created when he forged the world. They came from the sparks of his hammer, but instead of being cast into the heavens like the other races, they fell to Krynn. Reorx taught them how to work with the inherited power of the elements of the earth. They had a mastery of the elements of earth, air, fire, and water, as well as some others. Their powers of elemental based magic allowed them to interact and change the world around them.
The First Migration[]
After the All-Gods War when the other races were created, the God Reorx saw that his children were being slaughtered by the Ogres. He sent them on an epic voyage to the continent now known as Taladas. Here they honed their elemental abilities, and built wonders that have not been seen since.
They were crafters who built great machines, made out of iron, that traveled the land, sea, and sky. It is said that these machines were powered by the elemental forces of the world. They eventually built what has only been referred to as the Great Machine. It could only be powered by the Greygem, so a “lowest of the low” Smith by the name of Milgas Kadwar built a sky-hook ladder and retrieved the Greygem from a cave on Lunitari. Upon returning to Krynn, The Greygem got free and changed the 200 Smiths gathered around the Great Machine into the Scions.
The Second Migration[]
After the release of the Greygem, the Humans of the land rose against the Smiths. To protect their people, the Smiths built great barges and took to the seas. Accounts as to how many barges left vary, but only thirteen made landfall upon the continent of Ansalon. Those Smiths that survived were mad that the Scions were not able to keep their brethren safe, so they killed all but thirteen. They then sent the last Scions away on the last barge, and told them never to return. The last of the Smiths then took the name of Dwarves to call themselves.
Other Names[]
The works of Chisel Loremaster refer to these folk as the Hammer Folk, People of the Hammer, the Forge Tenders, and Children of Reorx.
- Tales of the Lance pgs 16-18
- Dwarven Kingdoms of Krynn “Songs of the Loremaster” pgs 7-12
- Towers of High Sorcery (Sourcebook) (SVP-4401) pgs 70-72