Dragonlance Wiki

Stormogre (? AC - ca 351 AC) was an old Hill Giant ruler over Daltigoth in Southern Ergoth during the War of the Lance. He was known to have had three sons, Thunderbane, Hammerfall, and Strokelightning. During the war he allied with the White Dragonarmy Highlord Feal-Thas against the wisdom of his advisor Ogmag whom he banished, and called upon all Ogres in the region to come to Daltigoth and ally with him. Not all ogres do and instead they fought amongst each other. In order to better control the troops that had come to the city, he was given a detachment of Sivak Draconians and Baaz Draconians and a flight of five White Dragons. It is unknown of how it happened but he died during the war. His sons fought each other for rulership of the city, but Stormogre's cousin Kthaarx drove them from the city. Kthaarx then became the next Dictator of Daltigoth.

