Dragonlance Wiki

Somebody had put Blood Sea Isles as Blood Semen Isles. That has been fixed. Timmage 23:28, February 23, 2010 (UTC)

Incorrect Information[]

Under Vingaard Keep, it was listed to be the location of the tomb of Sturm Brightblade. This is incorrect. Sturm's tomb was located beneath the High Clerist Tower, not Vingaard Keep. That piece of information has been removed. Timmage 23:38, February 23, 2010 (UTC)

Fixed Typos and Grammar Errors, and removed non-existant template errors[]

Typos and grammar errors were located throughout the Goodlund section. These have mostly been fixed, and the non-existant template notes have been removed. Timmage 23:43, February 23, 2010 (UTC)

Some information errors and non-existant template and image sources were located in the Sancrist section. These have been removed/corrected.Timmage 23:47, February 23, 2010 (UTC)

Massive information error in Neraka section[]

This section previously stated that the Knights of Neraka were based in the city of Neraka. At the time that the Knights of Takhisis became the Knights of Neraka, the City of Neraka was gone, having been demolished during either the explosion of the Temple of Takhisis at the end of the War of the Lance, or else during the Chaos War. In Dragons of a Lost Sun, Talon Leader Ernst Magit is leading his Knights through the Valley of Neraka as a shortcut. This is where he died, where Mina made her first appearance after running away from the Citadel of Light, and where she restored Galdar's right arm, which had been lost in battle. This information error has been corrected. Timmage 23:56, February 23, 2010 (UTC)

Unclear Information, and another non-existant stub, clarified/removed[]

Some of teh information for the city of Teyr was not really clear, concerning the draconians that live there. That has been clarified. The beginning of the section "Other Locations on Ansalon", like many other places throughout the article, had a template at the beginning which does not exist (template: section stub). This has been remoevd. Timmage 00:04, February 24, 2010 (UTC)