Taman Busuk is the melting pot for all the 'evil' races of Ansalon. This region contains three of the most important dark cities: Sanction, Neraka, and Gargath. Taman Busuk borders the Estwilde and Kern in the north and Zhakar in the south.
For the most part, Taman Busuk is a mountainous region, with the exception of the wastelands located in the south. The Khalkists are broken in few places, most notable Godshome and Gargath. As a state, Taman Busuk is very weak, but the cities within it are much more important.
- Neraka - Capital
- Bloodspring
- Castle Nidus
- Dangling Sword
- Fort Grort
- Gargath
- Garotte
- Hangman Harbor
- Jelek
- Kwintter Ranch
- Kyte
- Loft
- Lychgate
- Rusthome
- Sanction
- Styx
- Telvan
- Thrusting Knife
- Tower of Gargath
- Tower of The Lost
- Ruins of Godshome
- Shimber
- Strath
Mystical and Holy Sites[]
- Godshome
- Hand of Chaos
- Lost Mountain
- Mouth of Truth
- Sands of Time
- Star Stones
- Ancient Road
- Broken Chain
- Dragonpeak
- Forlorn Mountains
- Gamashinoch Valley
- Hundred Mile Road
- Khalkist Chain
- Khalkist Mountains
- Madmen Mountains
- Lords of Doom
- Mount Berkanth
- Moving Peaks
- Needle Pass
- Nerakan Road
- Skyfire Mountains
- Stars Home
- Stonecrusher River
- Taman Massif
- Taol Mountains
- The Delving
- Vale of Vipers
- Dragonlance Campaign Setting, p.
- The Atlas of the Dragonlance World, p. 93
- Before the Mask, p. 5, 54, 57, 65, 105, 166, 187
- The Dragons of Krynn, "Final Touch", p. 59
- The Annotated Dragonlance Chronicles, Spring Dawning, p. 116
- Leaves from the Inn of the Last Home, p. 141
- Legacy of Steel, p. 82
- Player's Guide to the Dragonlance Campaign, "Geography of Krynn", p. 45
- Tales of the Lance, "Ansalon Book", p. 49-50
- Unsung Heroes, p. 3
- War of the Lance, (Sourcebook), p. 143-146