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Tamanier Ambrodel (? PC - ? PC) was a Silvanesti Elf who was originally hailed from the elven village of Trokali. He was slender and muscular, with the sun-browned skin of someone used to working outdoors. Tamanier was tall for an elf, had corn-colored hair, and had the pride and bearing of someone used to speaking in court.

Arriving in Silvanost[]

In 2193 PC, the village of Trokali was attacked by a combined force of humans and Kagonesti elves, and the survivors were led by Tamanier to Silvanost, to beseech aid from the Speaker of the Stars. Tamanier's wife was killed in the assault, but the honorable elf gave a clear testimony of events to the Speaker, impressing Sithel with his bearing. Shortly thereafter, Tamanier was appointed as chief assistant to Lady Nirakina, wife of the Speaker, in providing relief for the displaced settlers who came to Silvanost. However the aid that Tamanier and Nirakina provided would turn against them, when a riot broke out and several settlers attacked the pair. Tamanier managed to protect Nirakina long enough for aid to arrive in the form of Prince Sithas and his guards, with Sithas promising to reward Tamanier for his bravery.

Tamanier continued to be of service to Speaker Sithel and Lady Nirakina, and in 2192 PC he was promoted to chamberlain of the court by Sithel, for uncovering information on the Ergothian princess Xanille Teralind and her seneschal Ulvissen. Shortly after, Tamanier was asked by Prince Sithas to discern the identity of a traitor in their midsts that was supplying information to the Ergothians.

In 2191 PC, Sithas sent Tamanier to Thorbardin, after having doubts about the loyalty of the dwarven ambassador Than-Kar. The elf met with the dwarven king and found out that Than-Kar was lying to the elves, as the dwarves had pledged their aid from the beginning. Tamanier returned to Silvanost in 2190 PC and told Speaker Sithas of his meeting with King Hal-Waith and of Than-Kar's duplicity. Over the course of the next few decades, Tamanier continued to develop a close friendship with Nirakina, until finally in 2170 PC, the pair were wed.

Following the defeat of the Army of Ergoth in 2140 PC, Tamanier was sent to Daltigoth with a dwarven ambassador to negotiate a treaty with the Emperor of Ergoth, in which he was successful. When Kith-Kanan led some of the elves to found the new nation of Qualinesti, Tamanier and Nirakina went with him. Tamanier's wife Nirakina gave birth to a son Kemian, and Tamanier became the castellan for Kith-Kanan's household.

Life in Qualinesti[]

The aging Tamanier saw his wife pass away in 1905 PC, but watched his son grow to become a general of the Guards of the Sun by 1892 PC. He represented the interests of Kith-Kanan before the Thalas-Enthia, and often defended him with senator Irthenie against his critics, such as senators Clovanos and Xixis. Later in 1892 PC, Tamanier and Kith-Kanan learnt that Kith's son Ulvian had established a friendship with the evil sorcerer Drulethen. Kith, Tamanier and Kemian took off to Pax Tharkas, where Ulvian had been imprisoned as a slave for his crimes, to put an end to the association between Drulethen and Ulvian. Tamanier arrived at Pax Tharkas with Kith-Kanan and Kemian, only to learn that Drulethen had devastated the area and escaped with Ulvian. The group of elves begun the pursuit of the escapees, whilst Tamanier returned to Qualinost to await their return. The old castellan was overjoyed at the return of both his son Kemian and Kith-Kanan, and the news of the newly discovered Silveran Kanan, heir to the throne.

When Silveran appeared to be haunted by visions and fell into insanity, Tamanier was given the task of locking him in his room every night. However one on fell night, Silveran broken free of the room and in a deluded state, struck down Kith-Kanan. Tamanier was horrified when he discovered Kith-Kanan, and summoned the priestesses of Quen. When Kith-Kanan passed away, Tamanier was overcome with grief and had to be supported by his son Kemian, even to stand upright.

