The Blade is a six hundred foot tall tower of rusted iron that resembles a sword pointed towards the sky. It is surrounded by a few small wooden outbuildings. The tower stands on the tallest ridge overlooking Hoarfrost Bay in Southern Ergoth, east of Varvil and southwest of Fairkep and Dalevil, and is visible from leagues away.
The Blade was built during the reign of Emperor Gwynned III sometime during the Second Century PC. It was part of the Plains Hundred province situated on the northwestern edge of the Slovin Hills. The tower acted as an outpost for the Ergothian Cavaliers although its exact strategic purpose has been lost in time.
Age of Despair[]
During the Cataclysm the Slovin Hills sunk into the ocean and the Blade stood overlooking the channel leading into the newly formed Morgash Bay. At some point the tower was abandoned by the forces of Ergoth and fell into disrepair.
During the War of the Lance the Blade was occupied by the white dragons Blizzard and Bluster and a small number of draconians. Their presence kept the tower surrounded by a perpetual cloud of cold mist that coated it in a thin layer of ice and the dragons used it to watch the channel, attempting to ambush any unauthorized ships they spotted.
Age of Mortals[]
As of 422 AC the Blade was still occupied by Bluster, who had become a servant of the Dragon Overlord Frost, and a number of ogres and white dragonspawn. They used the tower, which had grown even thicker with ice, to watch the recently formed Crystal Bridge and road to Zhea Harbor for suspicious travelers. The outbuildings were also home to a small number of civilians and an inn called the Hilt and Pommel.