Thenolite Humans are a people from the dark kingdom of Thenol in the realm of Southern Hosk on Taladas. The Thenolites are a tall and long-limbed people, who descend from the original refugees of Styrllia that settled in the area, as well as the original natives of the region. The average Thenolite has red to dark brown hair, and their skin tones are generally a reddish-brown, which is a result of the fair Styrllian skin tones, and the darker tones of the native inhabitants of Thenol. They generally have narrow eyes that are set far apart, long necks and strong and sharp chins.
Thenolite men wear trousers and smocks, as well as dyed sashes that are used as belts. In the heat of summer however, many Thenolite men wear little other than loincloths. Thenolite women often wear ankle-length dresses with slits up to the thigh, and wear bright colors. The nobles of Thenol dress in similar fashion to the commoners, however they replace mundane fabrics with silk. On occasion, the nobles will parade around in elaborate suits of armor, but this armor is generally for public display only, and not actually practical.
For those who enter the military service of the realm, the Thenolites are taught a very different set of rules to the average commoner or even noble. At a young age, it is bred into them to die hurting one's foes as a noble end to their life, and they will earn their god's favor in the afterlife. The bodies are then raised for an undead army by necromancers.
Once the Thenolites were governed in all things by the Senate of Lords, however in the Age of Despair, the Church of Hith grew in power, and now the Thenolites are commonly lead by evil priests and necromancers of the Thenolite Church.
- Blades of the Tiger, p. 3, 77
- Time of the Dragon, p.67-71