Tiberius (? AC - ? AC) was a Knight of the Thorn, and the acting Lord of the Thorn for the Knights of Neraka in 427 AC following the apparent death of Theo Drawde. Tiberius had a strong belief in the Vision, and believed that both Baltasar Rennold and General Dogah did not. He wanted to crush the Wizards of High Sorcery, and had the intention of establishing a base of power for the Thorn Knights. He sent Lady Cyrine Harrian-Caergothia along with her dragon Lyssirix to Storm's Keep to see if it was suitable for the Knighthood, and to see if the Tower of Thorns still exists. He never heard back from them.
His personal guard was the Blood Thorn.
- Knightly Orders of Ansalon, p.86, 88, 99