In the Southern Courrain Ocean to the south of the elven lands of Silvanesti, lies the underwater city of Urione. Two great stone squids mark the path on the seafloor that leads to Urione. The city appears like a giant shell, spiralling upwards from a large base on the seafloor upwards hundreds of feet towards the surface of the water. Great archways lead into the Dargonesti city from all angles, and the city is covered with towers and great structures within its coils. The entirety of Urione is made out of pink granite, and pumpkin-sized globes set at intervals along the walls, ensuring the city is well lit at all times. Outside of the city are the coral gardens, in which coral of all types and coloring are set in formations.
Some portions of Urione are watertight, and fountains are positioned in every corner of the city, so that the Dargonesti residents can wet their gills when needed. However it also means that air-breathing visitors can safely traverse sections of the city without fear of drowning. Other levels of Urione are open to the ocean and have plants, fish and crabs housed in them. The air-filled levels are the ones that contain the shops and businesses of Urione.
A great marble staircase leads through the centre of Urione and winds around a vast pink granite pillar, which serves as the foundation of the city. The staircase leads through all the levels of Urione, leading further upwards to the lavish temple section of the city. High cathedral ceilings with black basalt and mother of pearl inlaid in the decorations, lead to the wedge shaped temples of this section of Urione. Bas-reliefs decorate the temple walls, depicting sea life of all kinds, whilst incense pervades the air in this area. A giant statue of a kraken, with broken ships on its back, stands as a silent sentry before the temple of Zura in this area.
The great marble staircase finally ends at the palace plaza, a great marble plaza that overhead has a transparent dome made of millions of quartz crystals, through which the great blue sea can be seen from all directions. On the far side of the plaza from the staircase stand two enormous quartz crystal doors, which lead to the audience hall of the ruler of Urione. The great audience hall has a floor of black tiles and its walls are filled with green glowing globes hung from pearl-inlaid pillars. A simple marble bench serves a seat for the ruler of Urione, from which they consort with guests and servants.
History of Urione[]
The city of Urione was first founded in the Age of Dreams when Uriona, the youngest daughter of Kedurach Takalurion, Speaker of the Moon of the Dargonesti elves received a vision from the gods Kisla ( Mishakal ) and Abbaku ( Habbakuk ). The vision led the young Dargonesti princess to leave the city of Watermere with her loyal followers and found the city of Urione to the south of Silvanesti. The city thrived and grew considerably during the Age of Dreams, reaching a population of 100,000 sea elves, until in 1793 PC when Uriona declared war on Silvanesti and had her armies march inland to claim Silvanost. Ultimately Uriona's army was defeated and the Dargonesti were driven back to the sea, where they continued peacefully without their queen (who was captured by the Silvanesti) throughout the next few ages.
Age of Mortals[]
When the gods vanished from Krynn following the Chaos War, the Dargonesti of Urione panicked, when their goddess Zura, also known as Zeboim seemed to abandon them. However following the War of Souls, the elves of Urione resumed their worship of Zura and continued to serve as a vassal city to the great kingdom of Watermere.
- The Dargonesti (Novel), p. 40-302
- The Alien Sea, p. 56, 95-97, 156