Dragonlance Wiki

Valdemari (ca. 328 AC - ?) was a lean and sinuous bronze dragon who possessed small bronze scales and a natural grace. The female bronze bore burn marks on the upper parts of both wings, as well as blackened across her back from injuries she sustained during the War of the Lance. Valdemari was known to be impetuous and rash in her youth, although with age she gained a measure of patience and wisdom. She often chose the form of a golden eagle, when she surveyed her domain and did not wish others to know a dragon was present.

War of the Lance[]

The female bronze was hatched only a couple of decades before the War of the Lance, and came from one of the few metallic eggs of her generation to escape the notice of Harkiel the Bender and the other servants of Takhisis. The youthful Valdemari eagerly entered numerous battles during the war, which almost resulted in her being killed by much larger and more powerful dragons. Valdemari distinguished herself during the Siege of Estwilde and also fought in the final battle over Neraka.

During the final fight over Neraka, she was attacked by a larger red dragon, who blasted her with fiery dragonbreath and almost killed the bronze. She survived the wounds however, and also went on to live beyond the war.

Post War of the Lance[]

In the post-war period, Valdemari made a lair near a mountain lake in a remote region of Solamnia, defending the animals and folk in the area from any type of evil incursion. The bronze dragon was extremely curious of humans, and most often chose the form of a golden eagle, through which she could monitor their actions unnoticed.


  • Unsung Heroes, p. 63
  • 1991 Trading Cards Premier Set, #222