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Welmet is a small town located on Wemers Bay at the mouth of the Noble River. It is the largest Solamnic settlement on Southern Ergoth.

Age of Despair[]

Welmet was founded after the Cataclysm on the shore of the newly formed Wemers Bay where it was ideally suited for a deep water port and to supply Castle Eastwatch which lay upriver. The town’s port was large enough to allow up to three galleys and was mainly used to transport Solamnic Knights from Southern Ergoth to other areas under Solomnic control. The town has long been run by House Glendower who owns its largest estate. During the War of the Lance Welmet was run by Sir Owen Glendower who acted as a contact for Lord Gunthar Uth Wistan.

Age of Mortals[]

The population of Welmet grew during the Age of Mortals and the Last Gaard Mountains protected the town from the worst of Frost’s land manipulations. As of 420 AC Welmet was ruled by the aging Baron Havgen Glendower while his wife kept account of the city’s trade.

