Lord Yarus Donner (? – 0 PC) was a male Solamnic Knight of Solamnia, a member of the Order of the Sword, member of the Order of Clerists, and the last High Clerist before the Cataclysm. He was tall and had red curly hair and mustaches. The Donner family could trace its roots back to the founding of the Knights of Solamnia and many were members of the Order of Clerists.
Yarus was a fan of khas and had The Khas Room constructed in the High Clerist's Tower early in his career.
High Clerist[]
Yarus was a powerful cleric and only cared about the good things he could do as High Clerist and not the power that position gave him. It was because of Yarus, that Solamnia did what it could to stay out of Istar's laws without opposing the Kingpriest.
Yarus was in Istar when the Lost Battles started. He was also in Palanthas during one of the last parts of the war when Andras Rannoch cursed the Tower of High Sorcery in Palanthas, known then as the Lore-Spire.
The High Clerist eventually realized that not openly opposing the Kingpriest was a mistake, but it was too late. He felt so guilty that on the Night of Doom when a divine messenger came for him he decided to remained on Krynn. After that night he stayed in the High Clerist's Tower and only games of khas eased his troubled mind. He was playing khas in the Khas Room when the Cataclysm struck. Yarus was killed by a pillar in the room falling on him.
Some knights believe there is a legend that Yarus will return when the knights have great need.
- Divine Hammer (Novel), p. 207, 224, 338
- War of the Lance (Sourcebook), p. 185
- Knightly Orders of Ansalon (Sourcebook), p. 74-76